Making a Referral

When making a referral on behalf of another person, please ensure you obtain their consent, or the consent of their recognised representative, and advise them that whilst some services are free to all adults, others may require them to make a financial contribution, and the amount they will pay is dependent on their financial circumstances.

There are some services Adult Social Care do not provide or can be referred to directly without needing to go through Adult Social Care first.

These services are:
  • Walking Aids - Please ask the person's GP to refer to Community Therapy Services
  • Wheelchairs - Please ask the person's GP to refer to the Wheelchair Assessment Unit at the Centre for Independent Living.
  • Assistive Technology (such as lifeline pendant alarms or medication dispensers) – You can contact Progress Lifeline by clicking the link and completing their enquiry form or by telephone on 03333 204 999.